Saturday, April 25, 2009

Funky Finds!!!

(So, I had to take a break from blogging and reading my favorite blogs because I was beginning to feel guilty about neglecting my child and also I was beginning to lose feeling in my right hand from all the mouse scrolling and clicking. But I'm back now and my parents are visiting so they can watch Reed for me. )

Oh what fun! Reed and I attended the Funky Finds Craft Show in Ft. Worth today. There were many creative vendors there, and some funky ones, too. We didn't buy anything, except for a cute little tank top dress for my niece, Madison.
Hopefully she'll like it. Not much for little boys at craft shows unless you count the hand made stuffed "animals" there, but Reed's not really into that. hmmm....little boy items, maybe there are some possibilities there.
We didn't stay too long, Mr. Reed was uncomfortably hot, but we did get to circle around a couple of times before calling it quits. I'm pretty psyched now about starting up a little business of my own, there's a lot of competition out there, but I think I could do ok.

Here's a list of some of the vendors I visited (most of them were baby stuff vendors):

Well, tomorrow we are off to Houston for the week. Mark is in Dover, New Hampshire for work, so we're staying with my parents. Hopefully I can get some work done on some burp cloths and bibs!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sick and Tired

No....I'm not talking about me, but my little boy. He seems to have some sort of stomach virus or as my dad said, gastroenteritis. So he was kind of dragging today, but as you will see by my pictures, you can't really tell. He was still running around everywhere, but... if you watched him closely, he stopped every once in awhile (for a second or two).
Oh he's a climber...

Bubbles!Throw you hands in the air, and wave'em like you just don't care!Reed loves Gymbo.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Interesting Article

I found something interesting in Prevention Magazine. It pairs seemingly random combinations to help us get a healthy can read what these pairs do in more detail in the actual article.
a new practice called "synergistic medicine"

" A marriage of foods, moves, and medical tests unlocks your body's healing potential. Reach your health goals faster with these 12 perfect unions."

1. Protect Your Heart - Green Tea + Lemon
2. Boost Brain Power - Exercise + Music
3. Rev Immunity - Pot Roast + Carrots
4. Flush Fat - Burger + Frozen Yogurt
5. Ward Off Heart Disease - Plac Test + HSCRP Test
6. Save Your Eyesight - Salad + Avocado
7. Build Muscle - Strength Train + Stretch
8. Avoid Metabolic Syndrome - The Mediterranean Diet + Nuts
9. Banish Breakouts - Retinoid + Benzoyl Peroxide
10. Fight Fatigue - Eggs + Orange Juice
11. Bolster You Memory - Curcumin + Black Pepper
12. Sidestep Skin Cancer - Caffeine + Cardio

Sounds easy enough...hmmmm.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

The Norris' woke up this morning and celebrated Easter Mass. We didn't do any Easter egg hunting (maybe next year) nor did we take a picture with the Easter Bunny at the mall this year (Reed ran the other way), but we did play with our Easter basket and an Easter Egg!

We wish everyone a Happy and Blessed Easter!

Ta Da!!!!

I did it! I finished my first no-sew sewing project. (does that make since?) For years I've always wanted to make a table skirt, and now finally it's done. And I didn't even take out the needle and thread for any of it!

Since entering the blog world, my mind has been flooded with ideas. Blogs like, My Military Mansion and Nesting Place have inspired me to put more effort into making my home...well, a home. Somewhere comfy and cozy...AND pretty while doing it without breaking the bank!

So in the spirit of the Nester's window "mistreatments" my computer desk now has a pretty skirt to keep little fingers from pressing buttons and turning mommy's computer off.

My supplies:
  • pretty damask fabric that looks great with my black furniture and piano with brass hardware (50% off at Hancock Fabrics!)
  • sticky back velcro (to attach the skirt to the desk)
  • a glue gun

Et voila!

Now, I'm not sure I would be brave enough to try to make window treatments with a glue gun, (thread is much easier to take out for a person like me who is prone to mistakes) but for a table skirt, it was fun and a time saver!

I believe my next attempt will be to cover the big gaping space in my bathroom vanity that houses a not-so-pretty rolling storage cart. But this time... I'm going to to with the gathered look and not box pleats. First things first though, I have to convince my husband I need to redecorate and repaint the whole bathroom so that I can get coordinating fabric for a new shower curtain and vanity skirt. hehee...let's see how well that goes over.