Thursday, March 19, 2009

Starting a new dream

I have a new dream of owning my own business. Even with a great husband and a wonderfully delightful son, I still have a need to create with my hands. Through the necessity of motherhood, I have found the perfect and mother-to-be gifts! Ranging from burp cloths to diaper cakes, sewing, decorating and hot glue's not only fulfilling my creative needs, but it's actually fun.

So, over the next few weeks (or months)...I'll be brainstorming and sorting out the details on ways to get my products out to the public. With my background in computer programming, of course I've already started to set up another blogsite to showcase my creations before I have actually thought through my business plan.

I'll be sure to announce when everything is off the ground and running full speed ahead! This is so exciting.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Julie. I love your blog design. I also love my button. I will try to figure out how to put it on the computer later tonight. If you ever want a partner let me know. I would love to do the silhouettes to sell for folks. I love making them and the candle things on there too. Not so into the tassels though. Thanks again for the button. Tell Mark and Reed hello for me. Love, Laura
